Wavlink Affiliate Program

Become a member of our alliance,When your website refers a customer to us and he or she makes a purchase, you earn a commission.


  • Low return rate

  • Enjoy a high-conversion rate

  • Earn 5-8% commission on all sales

  • Use 30-day cookies which exceed industry standards

Partnerships That Perform

  • 1. Forums with professional knowledge
  • 2. Have you own Blog
  • 3. Sites of product review
  • 4. Discount websites
  • 5. Social media sites
  • 6. Video social sites
  • 7. Publisher

participation way

Use the self-federation function

  • 1

    Sign up for Affiliate Program

    If you already have an affiliate account, skip this step


  • 2

    Administrator Approval

    You can contact the administrator email address to speed up the approval process


  • 3

    Create promotional links

    The alliance background can generate promotional links for specified products

    Generate links | how to generate?

  • 4

    On the channel

    You can place promotional links on blogs,Facebook,youtube,Tiktok,bomb out ; place etc

    If you are a big blogger, this will bring you considerable revenue


Questions About Our Program?


1. What is an affiliate program?

We welcome review sites, online communities, good video creators, bloggers and other content creators to promote their products and services on their sites and withdraw earned commissions from their affiliate back office after a user transaction..

2. How to earn commission?

Step 1:Register as a member of this site and get a promotional alliance account from us, waiting it valid.

Step 2: Get the tracking code in the background

Step 3: Create your advertising material and type in the tracking link to promote it so that more guests can see the ad

Step 4: Observe your commission income and initiate a withdrawal application

Step 5: The administrator sees your application and makes a payment to the designated account as you requested

3. Can I advertise any page on my website?

Our most hot (higher per-unit price) products to promote will make you get more commission

4. Can I use the image resources post on your website?

We will put many excellent images for alliance members to use, and our static resources can be used as you want.

5. What we hope no happen?

(A) False links: Tampering with the target user's links through technical means

(B) Create programs to simulate real purchasing behavior

(C) Continuously occupying the user's browser window, causing the credit rating of the site to decline

(D) Hide other links in the promotion page

(E) Trick the target user into clicking on the link

(F) Creating pages on websites similar to this site to mislead the target user into buying We do not hope the above happen, so you may be pulished if you have this behavior.

6. How do we get started?

There are at least two ways you can participate in a consortium mission

1.Our affiliate program provided by this site

(1. Please go to the background to apply for the permission of alliance membership

(2. Wait for approval and generate trace connections

(3. Promote your content distribution channels

(4. Obtain commission and issue withdrawal request

2.Our third-party alliance platform

The second:

Track shipment information

For items bought here, use the order number to track shipping. Guests: save or copy the order number for courier details.

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