Home Wireless Network: Should You Choose WiFi 5 or WiFi 6

08/03/2024 WAVLINK

When buying a new router, you can pick an option that supports WiFi 5 or WiFi 6. Read on to understand these standards and learn the better option for you.

When shopping for a wireless router for home use, it’s important to consider the networking standard a particular router supports. At the moment, the two common standards are Wi-Fi 5 and Wi-Fi 6. Both of them have unique strengths, and it’s important to understand them to determine the better option.


In this post, we’ll explore these two standards to help you pick the ideal option for your router.

Wi-Fi 5

As the name implies, Wi-Fi 5 is the first-generation standard, and it’s technically referred to as IEEE standard 802.11ac. As a consumer, the phrase “Wi-Fi 5” is simple to use and remember when shopping for a router. Our WL-WN530G3 router is a good example that supports this standard.


This standard was released in 2013 as an alternative to Wi-Fi 4. It transmits data over the 5 GHz wireless frequency band at speeds of up to 3.5 Gbps and supports channels up to 160 MHz wide. However, in ideal conditions, you’ll get speeds of slightly more than 1 Gbps.


The compatibility of this standard is currently the best, as it is supported by all devices, including Wi-Fi 5. This includes devices at home such as smartphones, TVs, tablets, projectors, and even appliances like rice cookers and refrigerators. When making a purchase decision, if you are not pursuing ultimate performance and cutting-edge experience, then choosing Wi-Fi 5 is the most cost-effective option.


Wi-Fi 6

Supporting speeds of up to 9.6 Gbps, Wi-Fi 6 delivers the fastest real-world speeds and ranges, and it’s also the newest standard, released in 2019. This sixth-generation release is designed to offer much better speeds than Wi-Fi 5, making it a better option for highly dense environments like malls, offices, residential areas, etc.


It uses both 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz frequency bands, meaning it supports all Wi-Fi 5 and Wi-Fi 4 devices. It also supports more devices and has better safety protocols for safe browsing. This standard also supports the Target Wake Time (TWT) feature, which helps to preserve battery life in battery-powered devices.


WAVLINK AX3000 router makes a great pick if you’re looking for a Wi-Fi 6 router.


For more Wi-Fi 6 knowledge, you can refer to the Wikipedia entry: 'Wi-Fi 6'.

Which One Is Better?

The truth is, Wi-Fi 5 is a bit outdated as it was released over a decade ago. So, if you go for a device that supports this standard, you’ll be missing out on some useful improvements and features that modern Wi-Fi technology offers.


For better speeds, Wi-Fi 6 seems a better pick for most homeowners as it supports streams of up to 12. This increased number of streams provides improved internet speed. Comparably, Wi-Fi 6 devices allow users to get 40% more speeds than their Wi-Fi 5 counterparts.


However, while Wi-Fi 6 provides a better experience, it also comes with a higher cost. Therefore, readers need to make their own decision when choosing.


Choose the Right Wireless Networking Device

Good internet access is essential in today’s connected world. As such, when looking for a new router for home use, it’s important to pick an option that guarantees the best speeds. As Wi-Fi technology advances, new releases come with powerful features to improve speed and security.


With over 15 years of technology expertise, WAVLINK is at the forefront of this wave, and we deliver networking devices that simplify your internet access. So, whether you’re looking for Wi-Fi 5 or Wi-Fi 6 devices, explore our collection and pick an option that meets your needs and budget.




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